Coffee On Us
Hey it's Chase & Neal and we're back at Lorraine's Coffee & Music in Garner!
Since 2023 we've been bringing together local business leaders in the community to make introductions and build partnerships with this free event. Join us for this casual networking event. No thirty second speeches. No featured speakers. Just coffee, great people, and casual conversation.
Be sure to tell the barista you are here for "Coffee On Us" to get your order paid for. Feel free to pass the invite on if you know someone who would be a good fit.
We can't wait to see you.
- Neal & Chase
About Neal Isaacs: Neal Isaacs is the managing partner of VR Business Brokers and helps business owners value and sell their privately held businesses. He holds and MBA from NC State University and lives in Garner.
About Chase Breeden: Chase Breeden is Financial Advisor with Edward Jones and has a rich background in education and serving clients in achieving their financial goals. He holds an MBA from East Carolina University and also lives in Garner.
Date and Time
Friday May 30, 2025
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM EDT
Lorraine's Coffee House
101 Timber Pointe Lane
Garner, NC 27529